
“He took a tough subject, scared us to death and did a wonderful job! He is awesome!”

“The best, he knows his stuff”

“How can one man have so much information?”

“I enjoyed it very much”

“I’ve paid big bucks for seminars that did not fulfill 10% of what I learned today. Thanks.”

“Never a dull moment”

“Love his methods. Brilliant presenter! Chuck is the bomb! Best teacher I’ve had in my Real Estate career.”

“Brilliant presenter!”

“I would travel far to sit in any of his classes. Chuck is outstanding.”

“Everything I learned in this class is making differences in me.”

“Awesome instructor”

“The best instructor and speaker I’ve ever heard.”

“Excellent speaker who motivates his class well.”

“Love his methods.”

“Wonderful, entertaining and smart, a great teacher.”

“With out a doubt, the best instructor I’ve ever had.”

“Mr. Bonamer is a great speaker and makes you understand with humor and by example.”

“Awesome, Chuck is top notch!”

“A wow! Instructor, thanks Chuck!”

“Good presenter managed the group well”

“Great instructor. Really knows his stuff.”

“Awesome instructor!”

“Excellent teacher! Funny.”

“Clone Chuck for the benefit of the Real Estate industy…and humanity.”

“Simply an excellent privilege to be in his class”

“His humor along with his knowledge made for my best learning session ever!!”